Meet The Blogger

Meet The Blogger

Hello, it would be very nice if you click on that link and read a Q&A post I made, just so you’d know a little bit more about me. It would be better if, after you’re done reading it, you make your own version and let me know about it so I could read it too.

Thank you. 🙂

Project 2013 ♥

Project 2013 ♥

So last 2011 I created a Bucket List page and obviously never accomplished anything. Now, let me show you my new and improved *dun dun dun duuuuun* Project 2013 ♥!

I edited my list because most of what I wrote there can’t be done just yet, and I wanted to have a list that contains more feasible plans — so I’d be able to accomplish everything.

What is the purpose of this project? I just want to shake up my life a little bit. I want to get lost with my camera, my pen and my notebook. I want to live for the day and forget about my worries for a little while. Maybe meet new people, if I don’t get too shy, and make new friends. I just want to be free of my demons, even just for a little while.

So with the inspiration, faith, and hope this new year brings us, let me soar.

Please click on my link (Project 2013 ♥) and tell me what you think about my list, and tell me about your plans for 2013 as well! ♥